M.Regtien ° Clarinet Quintet - "Klarinettenquintett in A"
1st Stringquartet 2nd Stringquartet 3rd Stringquartet 4th Stringquartet 5th Stringquartet
6th Stringquartet 7th Stringquartet 8th Stringquartet 9th Stringquartet 10th Stringquartet
Dingus1 Clarinet Quintet End2End Quartet

Clarinet Quintet "Klarinettenquintett in A (2018)"

    The "Klarinettenquintett in A" (Clarinet quintet in A) is a 2018 composition in 5 distictive parts.

    It resembles my pre-occupation with decoupling of the main melody from the other melodies / harmonies.
    This can be heard the clearest in part 3 "Ushuaia Ushuaia" which is inspired by a lot of African pop music in where to my ear it seems the singing voice is total independant of the music. Btw, a lot of organ music of JS Bach is perceived by me in the exactly the same way.

      Part 1 - Adagio : The Adagio is a tonal 'romantic' piece
      Part 2 - Bebopalula : A total bebop piece (with cello as walking bass); lots of motives of Charlie Parker (especially Blues for Alice) and John Coltrane. Main melody here is quite detached from the 'rhytm section'
      Part 3 - Ushuaia Ushuaia : inspired by lots of African pop music: even the instructions of this part specify that the clarinet part is totally independant ofthe string parts, even in tempo.
      Part 4 - Die lustige George : a very rhytmic string section combines simple rock drums (alto and cello) with the south american bambuco rhytm
      Part 5 - Porco Preto : Part 5 is mainly minimal like, but again strings create a rhytm: a combination of the bambuco rhytm and a guitar motive from Pink flyd (Animals, Pigs)

    Underneath links to the scores of each part (free downloadable):

1. Teil - Adagio 2. Teil - Bebopalula 3. Teil - Ushuaia Ushuaia 4. Teil - Die lustige George 5. Teil - Porco Preto