M.Regtien  °  Stringquartets
1st Stringquartet 2nd Stringquartet 3rd Stringquartet 4th Stringquartet 5th Stringquartet
6th Stringquartet 7th Stringquartet 8th Stringquartet 9th Stringquartet 10th Stringquartet
Dingus1 Clarinet Quintet

2nd stringquartet

    Of the 2nd stringquartet part 4 was first written (in 1995). It also is the first piece written of the composerīs stringquartet-cycle of 10 stringquartets. After first writing all other stringquartets, the first 3 parts of the 2nd stringquartet were written in 2007, thus completing the cycle.

    Part 4 starts with and is based upon the theme of "Theme and Variations" for cello solo, also by the composer. After exposing the theme a rockband joines the stringquartet, intentionally dynamically totally overruling the 4 string instruments.

    Part 1 is a jazzy interpretation of the last part, part 2 a glissando-scherzo (featuring "Jingle Bells") and the 3rd part is a choral-like adagio.